You cannot cure Alzheimer's with medication.
You think they'll remember to take the drugs?
And then there are those days,
when its hard to get any work done.
No matter how much you try.
I push the key into the slot, get onto my bike. I push back with my brand new pair of Adidas shoes and start maneuvering the vehicle to start it and take off. Before I know it, my left foot is crushed under the side-stand and a searing pain shoots up.
And my first thought read..
"Oh my God!! My Shoes!"
Welcome to the material world.
And thus, man was born.
His cognition grew in leaps and bounds as he made the advancement from a meat-eating cave dweller to a tool using agriculturist.
He began to socialize and learned to live in a community.
He became an intellectual when his purpose of existence moved past mere survival.
At first he invented language to communicate his ideas.
He then had to devise ways to preserve his thoughts to outdo his mortality.
Sheep skin, clay tablet, papyrus and then paper.
His creativity knew no bounds.
There was literature, fine arts, theater - you name it.
His cerebral cortex by now was 10 times that of macaques.
And a 100 times that of a mouse.
And then came the internet.
I get this universal remote.
I try it on the TV... Zilch!
I try it on the AC... Zilch!
I try it on the player... Zilch!
Maybe it belongs to another universe.
Where there's a link there's a way.
I am pretty sure that I'm very confident about this.
I like to be nonchalant..
.. or whatever.
Being a techie means to have money to spend time,
but no time to spend the money.
Q: What's the difference between a manager and an engineer?
A: An engineer fires jobs, whereas a manager fires people from their jobs.
What's the height of sarcasm?
Yeah. I really care about it.
Men are from Mars.
Women are from Venus.
So Eunuchs are from Earth?
Earth is between Venus and Mars after all!
Whats the one thing that binds the Indian bureaucracy; across the boundaries of her 28 states, 33 languages, 2000 dialects and 114 crore people?
Red Tape
He liked her curves and she, his nerves to fiddle with them all day long. Not long after, the two geeks decided to unite their love for graphs with a wedlock.
I was house-hunting a month back. I tell the owner that I'm a bachelor, I get a firm "NO" with a look as I've done some grave unforgivable mistake.
"Oh come on guys!! I'm yet to do the mistake."
“Life does not consist mainly, or even largely, of facts and happenings. It consists mainly of the storm of thought that is forever flowing through one's head.” - Twain.
[Touch me]
The mind's a workhouse. Most of it is what they call in medical lexicon, dung. A whole lot isn't.